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Get yourself a data driven walking or running gait assessment with wearable sensors to understand how to gain better (sports) results or rehabilitate better and faster. Step up your game with the support of one of our movement specialists near you.

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    Ecological validity ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Overground (indoor & outdoor)
    Hardware ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Motion Data Hub
    4G Tablet
    Shoe clips

    2 Qty

    IMU sensors

    4 Qty

    4 Qty

    8 Qty

    Base Straps

    4 Qty

    4 Qty

    5 Qty

    Over Straps

    4 Qty

    4 Qty

    4 Qty

    Setup fee




    Walking / Running gait analysis ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Stride duration
    Cadence / stride frequency
    Ground contact time
    Duty factor*
    Propulsive velocity (hamstring function)*

    * Running analysis only

    ROM (+ symmetry) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Micro (Local attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Core stability
    Hip lock
    Knee stability (Q/H coordination)
    Ankle stiffness
    Coordination Landscape (varibility)
    Meso (Global attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Joint coupling (Hip - Knee)
    Macro (Total attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    Foot plant projection
    Squat (Double & single leg) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
    ROM joints + LSI