Until today, optical observation stands as the most prevalent method for motion analysis. This can be applied in real-time or retrospectively using …

As a movement professional, there is a good chance that you are obsessed by performance enhancement and better results. Since you are …

We are excited to announce that Maarten Hermans, a former top athlete and marketing expert, has joined ORYX Movement Solutions as a …

Muscles are the engines of movement. By shortening or lengthening, they allow joints to rotate, and in the case of isometric (co)contractions, …

Kinetics is all about the relationship between motion, forces, and torques.[1] Measuring these allows us to measure the outcome of movement patterns …

As discussed in our blog Movement analysis – types of biomechanics and technologies , there are different ways to measure and analyse …

Ecological validity ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Overground (indoor & outdoor)
Hardware ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Motion Data Hub
4G Tablet
Shoe clips

2 Qty

IMU sensors

4 Qty

4 Qty

8 Qty

Base Straps

4 Qty

4 Qty

5 Qty

Over Straps

4 Qty

4 Qty

4 Qty

Setup fee




Walking / Running gait analysis ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Stride duration
Cadence / stride frequency
Ground contact time
Duty factor*
Propulsive velocity (hamstring function)*

* Running analysis only

ROM (+ symmetry) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Micro (Local attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Core stability
Hip lock
Knee stability (Q/H coordination)
Ankle stiffness
Coordination Landscape (varibility)
Meso (Global attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Joint coupling (Hip – Knee)
Macro (Total attractors) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
Foot plant projection
Squat (Double & single leg) ORYX Knee Stability - Static ORYX Knee Stability - Dynamic ORYX-GO
ROM joints + LSI